Rezwana Karim Snigdha (PhD)
Rezwana Karim Snigdha (PhD) Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology



Rezwana Karim Snigdha earned her doctoral degree at the Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand). Her thesis project title is "Beyond Binaries: An Ethnographic Study of Hijra in Dhaka, Bangladesh". She is a lab member in the “Sex tech lab” in  The New School, New York. She works as an Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Jahangirnagar University. Previously, she worked as a Tutor in the Gender Sensitivity and Human Services course at the University of Canterbury. She worked as a part-time lecturer in the management department at AUT (Auckland University of Technology). Previously, she taught Business in Context and worked as a tutor of Applied Media Ethics at AUT. She has also been contracted as qualitative research head with the University of Kent on the project “Developing Youth Groups in Bangladesh to Support Peers at Risk of Early Marriage.” She also has fifteen years of research experience and has conducted qualitative research on various social issues. She is a committed and dedicated professional with a proven communication ability and is familiar with multiple qualitative research methods. Her research interests include Gender Justice, inequality, the Body, Sexuality, and  Medical Anthropology. 



  • Gender diversity, Body, & Sexuality
  • Gender Justice and climate change
  • Medical Anthropology
  • Contemporary Politics and Religion


Rezwana Karim Snigdha, Rethinking of women’s Self: A Critical Analysis., Social Science Review , Jahangirnagar University, 46, pp.103-115, Savar , Dhaka, 2022.
Rezwana Karim Snigdha, Locating Hijra and Transgender in Bangladeshi Health Discourse: A Critical analysis., Journal of Social Science Faculty, 47, 2, pp.163-176, 2023.
Rezwana Karim Snigdha, Exploring the Religious Practices of Hijra in Bangladesh:A Critical Analysis, Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences, 47, 1, pp.95-102, Jahangirnagar University , Savar , Dhaka, 2023.
Snigdha Rezwana, An Obscure Perception of Transgender in Islam: A Case of Hijra in Bangladesh, Global Journal of Human-Social Science Research, Vol: 19, 5, pp.29–36, 2019. doi: 10.34257/GJHSSCVOL19IS5PG29
Snigdha Rezwana, Bastob o otibastober upakkhan, mrittu - ekti porjalochona [The real and hyper real episoes of Death – A review], Bangla Academy Patrika: A Quarterly Research Journal, Vol: 58, 3-4, pp.108-118, 2017.
Snigdha Rezwana & Akhter Sharmin, 'Osprisho' o 'Odrisho' ek lingiyo somporker path: Proshongo nari somokamita [A study of 'Untouchable' and 'Invisible' gender relationship: Context Lesbianism in Bangladesh], Social Science Review: Journal of Social Science Faculty, Jahangirnagar University Dhaka, Vol: 2, pp.43-50, 2016.
Snigdha Rezwana, Cholochitrer potvumi o prantikotar noya upakkhan: Prekkhit Common Gender-The Film [The new anecdote of marginalization and the representation of Cinema: Case- Common Gender-The Film], Bangladesh Film Archive Journal, Vol: 8, pp.100-106, 2015.
Snigdha Rezwana, "Magi mainsher kotha shonao ja, na shonao ta"-Vashar lingiyo oshomotar ekti path [Does women have any language? A study of gender discrimination in the Bengali language], Social Science Review: Journal of Social Science Faculty, Jahangirnagar University Dhaka, Vol: 1, pp.103-111, 2014.
Snigdha Rezwana, 'Dhakai High Culture’-Ekti tottio porjalochona [Perceptions of Dhaka-High Culture: A Theoretical Crisis], Nrivijnana Patrika: Journal of Anthropology Department, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Vol: 18, pp.97-110, 2013.
Snigdha Rezwana, Narir atto nirmane 'Agency' o samajik 'Puji'r dharonayon [Conceptualization of 'Agency' and 'Social-Capital' In the construction of Women's Self], Nrivijnana Patrika: Journal of Anthropology Department, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Vol: 17, pp.61-75, 2012.
Snigdha Rezwana, Shottar dharonayon: Ekti tottio bishleshon [Conceptualization of Self: A Theoretical Analysis], Nrivijnana Patrika: Journal of Anthropology Department, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Vol: 15, pp.11-24, 2010.


Rezwana Karim Snigdha, Exploring the Perception of Masculinities: A Comparative Study of Nonbinary and Cisgender Individuals, WORLD ANTHROPOLOGICAL UNION CONGRESS 2024​, Johannesburg, South Africa

Rezwana Karim Snigdha, “Access to health care is a daydream for us”- The politics of medicalization of Hijra in Bangladesh, 19th IUAES-WAU World Anthropology Congress 2023, Delhi, INDIA, 2023.
Rezwana Karim Snigdha, The visibility of the invisible during the COVID pandemic’: An anthropological observation, ASAA Conference 2022 Social Justice in Pandemic Times., Monash University, 2022.
Snigdha Rezwana, Unzipping your Pants: Dehumanization of Hijra in contemporary Bangladesh, New Zealand South Asian Centre (NZAC) Annual Research Seminar, University of Canterbury. New Zealand, 2020.
Snigdha Rezwana, Exploring hijra in Bangladesh: A Critical Ethnographic Study, Gender and diversity research: More critical perspectives, Auckland University of Technology. New Zealand, 2016.
Snigdha Rezwana, The Romance of marginalization: Relocating the hijra in Bangladesh, Critical Engagement in Anthropological Landscape in Bangladesh, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology. Sylhet, 2016.
Snigdha Rezwana, Questioning Transgender bodies: Constructions and reconstructions of the transsexual 'other' in Bangladesh, AUT Doctoral Conference School of Public Health and Psychosocial Studies, North Shore, Auckland, New Zealand, 2015.
Snigdha Rezwana, A critical study of Gender Representations in the post-war public sculptures of Dhaka city, 10th International Conference on History and Culture organized by Bangladesh History Academy, Dhaka. Bangladesh, 2014.
Snigdha Rezwana, The perception of Death: A Critical Analysis, Anthropology: Critical juncture between Theory and Practice, BIRD, Comilla. Bangladesh, 2013.


Snigdha Rezwana, In search of women self- An Ethnographic Study of Middle-class women in Dhaka, 2023.


Rezwana Karim Snigdha, An Analysis of Gender Representation of Post-wear Sculptures at the Public Universities in Dhaka, Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences, pp.93-107, Jahangirnagar University , Savar , Dhaka, 2022.
Snigdha Rezwana, My Entirety, My City, My Home, pp.195, 2021.


Rezwana Karim Snigdha, AUT Social Sciences Research Award, 2015, 2016.

Auckland University of Technology, Social Science Faculty  Award 

Snigdha Rezwana, Beyond the Gender Binary: Hijra in Bangladesh, 2021 Virtual AUT 3MT Competition Doctoral Finals, Auckland University of Technology. New Zealand, 2021.

(Audience Choice)


Snigdha Rezwana, The Politics of Clothing, and Stylizing to confirm Non-Binary Gender performativity: A Case of Hijra in Bangladesh, National Seminar on "Anthropology in 21st Century and Beyond, University Of Delhi, India, 2022.


Snigdha Rezwana, On contexts of diverse SOGIESC in the past, present, media, Shorbonam, 2022.
Snigdha Rezwana, জানা অজানায় 'হিজরা' ইতিবৃত্ত, 2021.
Snigdha Rezwana, Rape is About Power, Not Sex, 2021.
Snigdha Rezwana, Thoughts on Sex and Body - Judith Butler জুডিথ বাটলারের চিন্তায় শরীর ও লিঙ্গ, 2018.


Course Code Course Title Semester/Year
502 Body & Sexualities MSS (2023-24)
303 Gender theories Third Year, 2023-24
403 Urban Anthropology 4th Year (2010-2013)
407 Medical Anthropology 4th Year, (2022-24)
307 Selected Ethnographic Texts 3rd Year (2010-2011, 2022)
204 Political Power and Institutions 2nd Year (2010-2015)
103 Other Cultures 1st Year (2014-2015)

Academic Info

Institute: Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Period: 2021


Thesis Title:

Beyond Binaries: An Ethnographic Study of Hijra in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Institute: Jahangirnagar University Savar Dhaka
Period: 2007

MSS in Anthropology

Result: First Class 1st   in Position

MSS Thesis Title:

"Constitution and Reconstitution of Self: The Middle-Class women in Dhaka City."

Institute: Jahangirnagar University Savar Dhaka
Period: 2006

BSS in Anthropology

Result: First Class 1st  in Position

Dissertation Title:

"Coping up with city": The ethnic migrant women in Dhaka City


Organization: Independent University Bangladesh (IUB)
Position: Adjunct Faculty
Period: September, 2023 to currently working

Teaches two different courses in the Department of Anthropology at IUB. 

Economic Anthropology

Introduction to Anthropology

Organization: Jahangirnagar University Savar Dhaka. Bangladesh
Position: Associate Professor Full-time
Period: Currently working

Department of Anthropology

Organization: University of Kent
Position: Qualitative Research Head
Period: August, 2023 - Present

This project is a collaboration between the University of Kent, Bangladesh Legal Aid Services Trust (BLAST), and Monash University Malaysia and will deliver and evaluate a new programme designed to tackle the issue of female early marriage – i.e. the marriage of girls below the age of 18 – across 50 urban neighbourhoods with a population of 30,000 households in four districts of Bangladesh. Although marriage below 18 is illegal in Bangladesh, the practice is still widespread, typically arranged by parents or extended family members. The initiative, SafePlus, empowers youth groups by providing leadership, negotiation and legal training, supervised and delivered by experienced paralegals. The groups are then mentored and equipped to deliver activities and legal support within their communities.

Organization: North South University
Position: Adjunct Faculty
Period: September, 2022 to currently working

Department of Political Science and Sociology.

Organization: The New School, New York
Position: Lab Member Part-time
Period: 2021- 2022

Sex Tech Lab

Organization: University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Position: Tutor Part-time Fixed Term
Period: February 2019 to July 2019

Gender Sensitivity and Human Services

Organization: Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Position: Lecturer Part-time Fixed Term
Period: February 2016 to July 2016

Business in Context Department of Management

Organization: Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Position: Tutor Part-time Fixed Term
Period: February 2016 to July 2016

Applied  Media Ethics Department of Culture and Society

Organization: Jahangirnagar University Savar Dhaka. Bangladesh
Position: Assistent Professor Full-time
Period: April 2013 to January 2021

Department of Anthropology

Organization: Jahangirnagar University Savar Dhaka. Bangladesh
Position: Lecturer Full-time
Period: March 2010 to March 2013

Department of Anthropology

Organization: BRAC Bangladesh (world largest Non-GovernmentOrganization)
Position: Research Associate Full-time
Period: January 2008 to October 2008

Gender Research Division

Organization: PROSHIKA (Nonprofit Government Organization)
Position: Research Assistant Full-time
Period: March 2007 to December 2007

Global learning culture Cell


Rezwana Karim Snigdha (PhD)

Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: 880 1780758064
Work Phone: 01718528064
Email: ,